Two and a Half Times Higher
An Australian study indicated smokers were at a 250% higher risk of developing the skin cancer Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) than non smokers.
An Australian study indicated smokers were at a 250% higher risk of developing the skin cancer Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) than non smokers.
Although the deadliest skin cancers are largely caused by overexposure to UV radiation and light skinned individuals are high risk - some are triggered by genetic mutations where people with darker skin are more prone.
Men with HIV and nonmelanoma skin cancer faced an elevated risk for Kaposi’s Sarcoma, as did men with HIV who lived in locations with high levels of ambient ultraviolet radiation at the time of diagnosis, study data showed.
A patient in her 30’s was diagnosed with Melanoma and was recommended to have regular skin checks. As a result her 2nd and 3rd Melanomas were diagnosed and treated early.