First Visit

Your First Visit

What to Bring

On your first visit please remember to bring the following:

Any relevant Medical and Family History

List of current medications

List of Allergies to prescription medications

Medicare card, DVA card, Driver’s license, (if work related - Employer’s Letter)

Remove All Make-Up

New patients are advised that prior to attending the clinic they should remove:

All make up, moisturiser, sunscreen and nail polish

It is essential that your medical staff have a clear view of your skin, so consider having a haircut and clipping any body hair that could prevent a clear view of your skin as we will be using scanning equipment that is unable to see through hair.

What to Expect

You will be asked detailed information covering your medical history and our Melanographers and our Doctors may perform some physical examinations and take clinical images to complete your medical record to compare at future follow-ups.

Ask Questions

It’s not uncommon to have questions or doubts, which we will encourage you to ask before you leave the clinic.


Skin Checks can be both manual or involve advanced diagnostic testing using the latest scanning technologies. We will take time to explain the options for the diagnosis and, if required, possible treatments

After reviewing any diagnostic results, Dr Donnellan will recommend appropriate treatment.